It’s holiday time. I wanted an idea for quick, inexpensive gifts that could be made in bulk but also personalized for whoever I give them to. Other folks must have the same quandry – perhaps for a class, or for co-workers, etc. I thought… maybe a small book?
Somewhere on the internet I’d seen a way to quickly cut a single sheet of paper into a small booklet. (After messing up a few sheets of paper doing it wrong) I went online looking. And finding! the one I was looking for, and several other interesting DIY book ideas.
The one I was originally looking for is really simple to do. (I made two and taped the spines together.)

But I thought this one was way more fun and interesting. I like how big it is when open, but so compact when it’s closed. Although I’m not sure what to put in it; but the video has some great suggestions!

There are several options to make these tiny books. This one is the one I like best. The finished book is only about 4 cm square (a bit more than 1.5″ square). Youngsters might enjoy these.

These are all quick and inexpensive to make. They’re easy to personalize, and they can be simple or quite elaborate. A set of the tiny ones could be great decor in a book nook or doll house. I like the idea of illustrating the others, practicing illuminated letters or writing small poems, or zen tangles in them as gifts or just for fun.