Oldbookillustrations.com is an incredible site full of free, public domain, high resolution artwork from old books. It’s a great resource for crafters.
Are you looking for pattern inspiration? Do you need images for reference, or photo transfer, decoupage, or… anything else? Have you been to Oldbookillustrations.com?

This site is amazing. They have thousands of illustrations from old books, ranging from scientific and botanical illustrations to landscapes to children’s books to editorial, comedy, and more.

You can search by subject, artist, title, format, and more, and access images in high resolution formats, including raw document scans.

Best yet, these works are in the public domain, and they are free to download and re-use at will in your own craft projects, or even in your website or ads.

It’s a fantastic resource that everyone should know about. And, if you feel generous, support them on Patreon and keep the project going. I am so grateful for the hours of amusement and inspiration I’ve enjoyed at Old Book Illustrations, and I hope you enjoy it too!
All images from Oldbookillustrations.com